
Class ColGroup

    • Field Detail

      • _colIndexes

        protected int[] _colIndexes
        Offsets of the columns that make up the column group. Zero-based, and relative to the matrix block.
      • _numRows

        protected int _numRows
        Number of rows in the matrix, for use by child classes.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ColGroup

        protected ColGroup(int[] colIndices,
                           int numRows)
        Main constructor.
        colIndices - offsets of the columns in the matrix block that make up the group
        numRows - total number of rows in the parent block
      • ColGroup

        protected ColGroup(List<Integer> colIndicesList,
                           int numRows)
        Convenience constructor for converting indices to a more compact format.
        colIndicesList - list of column indices
        numRows - total number of rows in the parent block
    • Method Detail

      • getColIndices

        public int[] getColIndices()
        Obtain the offsets of the columns in the matrix block that make up the group
        offsets of the columns in the matrix block that make up the group
      • getColIndex

        public int getColIndex(int colNum)
        Obtain a column index value.
        colNum - column number
        column index value
      • getNumRows

        public int getNumRows()
      • getNumCols

        public int getNumCols()
        Obtain the number of columns in this column group.
        number of columns in this column group
      • getCompType

        public abstract ColGroup.CompressionType getCompType()
        Obtain the compression type.
        How the elements of the column group are compressed.
      • shiftColIndices

        public void shiftColIndices(int offset)
      • estimateInMemorySize

        public long estimateInMemorySize()
        Note: Must be overridden by child classes to account for additional data and metadata
        an upper bound on the number of bytes used to store this ColGroup in memory.
      • decompressToBlock

        public abstract void decompressToBlock(MatrixBlock target,
                                               int rl,
                                               int ru)
        Decompress the contents of this column group into the specified full matrix block.
        target - a matrix block where the columns covered by this column group have not yet been filled in.
        rl - row lower
        ru - row upper
      • decompressToBlock

        public abstract void decompressToBlock(MatrixBlock target,
                                               int[] colIndexTargets)
        Decompress the contents of this column group into uncompressed packed columns
        target - a dense matrix block. The block must have enough space to hold the contents of this column group.
        colIndexTargets - array that maps column indices in the original matrix block to columns of target.
      • decompressToBlock

        public abstract void decompressToBlock(MatrixBlock target,
                                               int colpos)
        Decompress to block.
        target - dense output vector
        colpos - column to decompress, error if larger or equal numCols
      • write

        public abstract void write(DataOutput out)
                            throws IOException
        Serializes column group to data output.
        out - data output
        IOException - if IOException occurs
      • readFields

        public abstract void readFields(DataInput in)
                                 throws IOException
        Deserializes column group from data input.
        in - data input
        IOException - if IOException occurs
      • getExactSizeOnDisk

        public abstract long getExactSizeOnDisk()
        Returns the exact serialized size of column group. This can be used for example for buffer preallocation.
        exact serialized size for column group
      • get

        public abstract double get(int r,
                                   int c)
        Get the value at a global row/column position.
        r - row
        c - column
        value at the row/column position
      • rightMultByVector

        public abstract void rightMultByVector(MatrixBlock vector,
                                               MatrixBlock result,
                                               int rl,
                                               int ru)
                                        throws DMLRuntimeException
        Multiply the slice of the matrix that this column group represents by a vector on the right.
        vector - vector to multiply by (tall vector)
        result - accumulator for holding the result
        rl - row lower
        ru - row upper
        DMLRuntimeException - if the internal SystemML code that performs the multiplication experiences an error
      • leftMultByRowVector

        public abstract void leftMultByRowVector(MatrixBlock vector,
                                                 MatrixBlock result)
                                          throws DMLRuntimeException
        Multiply the slice of the matrix that this column group represents by a row vector on the left (the original column vector is assumed to be transposed already i.e. its size now is 1xn).
        vector - row vector
        result - matrix block result
        DMLRuntimeException - if DMLRuntimeException occurs
      • scalarOperation

        public abstract ColGroup scalarOperation(org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.operators.ScalarOperator op)
                                          throws DMLRuntimeException
        Perform the specified scalar operation directly on the compressed column group, without decompressing individual cells if possible.
        op - operation to perform
        version of this column group with the operation applied
        DMLRuntimeException - if DMLRuntimeException occurs
      • getIterator

        public abstract Iterator<IJV> getIterator(int rl,
                                                  int ru,
                                                  boolean inclZeros,
                                                  boolean rowMajor)
      • countNonZerosPerRow

        protected abstract void countNonZerosPerRow(int[] rnnz,
                                                    int rl,
                                                    int ru)
        Count the number of non-zeros per row
        rnnz - non-zeros per row
        rl - row lower bound, inclusive
        ru - row upper bound, exclusive

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